4/12 Holiday Inn Bridal Show

I just wanted to update briefly about my website – sarahheppell.com! It’s currently being redone and should be done by the end of this week, *fingers crossed!* Right now, if you typed that in your browser it sent you here, to my blog! This works for now, but just know that my website is coming! It will be super duper awesome and updated with a ton of new work! You can preview some work here, which some of the photos on there will be shown on my new site! There is more than enough eye candy to hold you over until the site is up!!

bridal show

So, I’m taking a mini break from finishing up my tax prep to write this post. Phew a mental break. Totally needed. I also ordered an almond milk iced mocha to keep me going. #winning Yesterday Jenn and I rocked the Holiday Inn bridal show put on by the Syracuse Wedding Magazine! It was a great time chatting with all of the potential couples! Excited for the appointments I booked, I feel I connected with a bunch of people! Thank you to who is reading who happened to make their way here from meeting me at the show! That’s me with my bright pink pants in the photo by my booth! 🙂 If you see this post and are meeting with me or want to book me for your wedding mention this post and I’ll give you $50 off your package of choice!


April 13, 2015

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