SHP 2016 Wedding Season Highlights | Epic Night Shots!

Skim any 2016 SHP Wedding Day shot list and you will find the item “Epic Night Shot!” towards the end. Every single shot list in our 2016 season had this item because we had made it a goal to work more with off-camera flash. Every season, we set goals and this was one of the biggest for the season!

While every wedding doesn’t allow for a night shot, we wanted to at least train our brains to create an epic night shot image at each venue, whether just in our heads or actually inside the camera. For the weddings that do allow us time for a night shot, Jenn usually stays inside and covers the party going on while Sarah and Wesley set up the shot. Once the shot is perfectly set, we ask the clients to have 10 minutes of their time and whisk them off to the shot location. We were able to execute a bunch of 2-3 light set up images this year, and we are super excited to share them with you.

We’ll keep the Epic Night Shot on our shot lists for the 2017 season, but Sarah has some new ideas to add to the list, which is super exciting. She’s been working with these ideas on the off season, and we can’t wait to share! Wedding days go by fast, but we enjoy creating original, creative images for each of our clients.

One interesting thing to note that we discovered upon reflecting on this goal, is that we started at the Landmark Theatre, returned there almost exactly half way through our season, and finished at the Landmark Theatre! It’s obligatory to get that beautiful marquee in an image.

Here are the epic night shots we accomplished this year!

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Featured Vendors || The Landmark Theatre | Craftsman Inn | The Frog Pond | Rosamond Gifford Zoo | Hotel @ The Lafayette | Casablanca on Cherry Island | Lake Placid Club | DoubleTree Inn | MKJ Farms | Arrowhead Lodge |

March 30, 2017

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